
Aspergillus flavus



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Aspergillus flavus is a saprophytic and pathogenic fungus found throughout the world. This fungus is known as the main pollutant in cereals, legumes and tree nuts. Post-harvest caries is usually developed during harvesting, storage and / or transportation. Infections caused by A. flavus may occur while crops are still connected to their mother’s plant, although pre-harvest contamination is said to be, but often there is no indication of contamination before storage and / or transport. Not quoted. In addition to pre and post-harvest infections, many strains produce significant amounts of toxic compounds known as micotoxins, which are toxic to mammals. A. flavus is also an opportunistic pathogen of humans and animals and causes aspergillosis in people with immune deficiency and weakness.

Aspergillus flavus is found globally as a saprophytic in soil, causing disease in many important crop products. The common hosts of Aspergillus flavus are grains, legumes and trees whose fruits are used as nuts. In some cases, A. flavus infection causes pancreas in corn and yellow mold in peanuts before or after harvest. This infection can be created before harvest, after harvest, during storage and during transportation. This patient is very common and has many hosts. The most important thing about infection with Aspergillus is that its symptoms and symptoms are often unobservable. Aspergillus flavus has the potential for contamination of seedlings by sporulation on injured grains. In the cereals, the pathogen can destroy the embryos and cause infection, the infection becomes felled properly, then it is transmitted to new seeds and damaged to the fetus. As a result, the quality and price of the seeds will decrease. Insects and stresses and environmental ulcers can exacerbate the infection of A. flavus. Tensions include stem rot, drought, severe leaf damage, or low-yielding food. In general, excessive moisture and high temperatures in the medium for keeping seeds and legumes increase the production of aflatoxin by A. flavus. In mammals, pathogens can cause liver cancer through inoculant growth through contaminated feed or aspergillosis.

Symptoms and symptoms of Aspergillus flavus
Aspergillus flavus mushroom colonies are usually powdery masses of green-yellow spores and on the upper surface and golden-reddish-red at low levels. In both seeds and legumes, the infection is limited to small areas, and often there is a change in color and stains on the seeds. The growth of the colonies of this mushroom is rapid and appears in the colonies in thin or powdery forms.
Heifer growth is typically done by the sub branch and the mycelium is formed. The heifers are porous and bright. Mycelium produces protein degrading enzymes, so this fungus breaks down complex nutrients (food). Individual hefty threads are not visible to the naked eye, but thick teeth are also seen with the eye. A. flavus are produced during the reproduction of onions.

Aspirational Aspiration Fluvius is colorless and coarse. Phialids are both one-row and two-row
Recently, Petromyces is known as the A. flavus reproductive stage. Petromyces ascospores are created inside the sclerotype. The sexual form of this heterothalamic fungus is formed when strains of mutant species are opposed to each other. Sexual reproduction occurs between different species belonging to different groups of vegetative adaptation.
Aspergillus flavus morphology is complex and is divided into two groups based on the size of the produced sclerotia. The first group contains L strains with sclerotia with a diameter of more than 400 micrometers. The second group of Aspergillus flavus consists of S species with sclerotia of less than 400 μm in diameter. Both strains L and S can produce two common aflatoxins (B1 and B2). The production of aflatoxins G1 and G2 is exclusive to S strains, which is not usually produced by A. flavus. Strain L is more invasive, but less aflatoxin. Line L also has a more acidic hydrostatic point and produces less sclerotia than strain S under more limited conditions.

Aspergillus flavus mushroom disease cycle
Aspergillus flavus is found throughout the winter in the soil, and it seems that an inoculation of decayed material is considered as sclerotia and mycelium. The sclerotia sprouts to produce hypersensitive hypers and non-sex hormones. These pups are in fact the first inoculation of A. flavus during the period of contamination. Propagules in the soil, now conidia, are dispersed by wind and insects (or similar). You can create contaminants on the ground or on seeds or legumes. Spores enter the pods through the corn silk, go to the grains and infect them. Candidias and supplements are produced from sclerotial surfaces in the spring. There is a secondary inoculation for the Aspergillus flavus mushroom that grows on the different parts of the leaf. A. flavus grows when the leaves are damaged by mechanical insects or mechanical shocks, so insects are responsible for inacculating sources and intensify their inoculum production.

توضیحات تکمیلی

Package type

4 microtubes containing pure mushroom agar


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